Christ in Me (Us) the Hope of Glory

“I have become its servant, according to God’s administration that was given to me for you, to make God’s message fully known, the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to His saints. God wanted to make known among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:24-27 HCSB. This is the Gospel of God which is His power for salvation to all that believe. Romans 1:16-17. It is in Him, His salvation, that we discover His righteousness given to every Believer.

Every single day I awaken concerned for every lost person to discover the salvation provided to them by the Risen Christ. AND, I am concerned for every Believer who somehow thinks sin lives in them along with the Holy Spirit.

Are we not reminded of Jesus walking through the Temple turning over the tables of those who were making His Father’s House a place of merchandising? “And He said to them, “It is written, My house will be called a house of prayer.” Matthew 21:13. We must also remember, “Don’t you know that your body is a sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God in your body.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Here, Paul is reminding us we must not prostitute our bodies with acts of sin. This physical body was purchased by Christ at the Cross. He lives in us, body and spirit. Our bodies and our spirits are His. We belong solely to Him.

Yes, I am on a critical mission proclaiming the Message of the Cross. That Message is “Christ in me, Christ in every Believer, the hope of Glory.” No, sin does not live in us, the Risen Christ, the Person of the Holy Spirit, lives in us!!

Jesus is Lord!! Revelation 16:19

About Robert Williford

Conservative Southern Baptist pastor, missionary, and personal evangelist. An avid supporter of Texas Tech Athletics. Enjoy oil painting, writing and woodworking. My wife, children, and grandchildren are my joy. Reading, writing and painting are great for relaxing......
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